Little Cathance Lake

Property Description
Little Cathance Lake is an undeveloped, private and serene 140-acre water body in the Down East region of coastal Maine. This exceptional waterfront opportunity includes nearly all of the lake shoreline and 420 forested acres surrounding it. The remaining shoreline is owned by the Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission, ensuring preservation of the unspoiled and secluded nature of the lake. The lake is 34 of a mile long, about a half-mile at its widest, and a maximum of 17 feet deep. There is a warm water fishery of smallmouth bass and yellow perch and beavers are active on the lake. The shoreline of the lake is stony on the eastern end, allowing for swimming. While there is no public boat ramp, there are two areas with gradual slopes where a canoe or a small motor boat can be easily launched. The majority of the terrain on the property is gently rolling with a small rise along the eastern road frontage where a view of the lake could be enjoyed after some tree clearing. The forest surrounding the lake is comprised of a mix of species red spruce, balsam fir, white pine, red maple, aspen, white and yellow birch. The buffer strip that surrounds the lake offers an excellent example of the forests productive ability to grow quality sawtimber, particularly red spruce and white pine. There are two seasonal camps on the shores of the lake. Both are in need of repair, but have potential for restoration and are well-located with desirable, sunny views looking south across the lake. With permitting, the camps could be restored and expanded or razed and replaced with more modern, spacious, off-grid structures.
Almost complete ownership of shoreline
Good access
2 cabins to restore or replace
Gentle Terrain
Wildlife Observation
#: 1302997
: Cathance Township
Water Body
: Little Cathance Lake
Year Build
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Sq. Footage
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: 420
Waterfront/ft :